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Timer power saving switch

Source: InternetPublisher:通通 Keywords: Switch control timer circuit Updated: 2024/09/02

Timer power saving switch

Most of the door lights used now are controlled by manual switches, which often cause inconvenience and waste of electricity due to forgetting to turn on or off the lights. If light control and timing functions can be added, automation and power saving effects can be achieved. Select the ready-made light control timing ICMG2001B, which is a cheap 1h~36h 9-speed optional timing and delay IC. The peripheral circuit is simple, with an indicator light drive port and a photoresistor interface. It uses a cheap 32.768kHz crystal as a clock source. The time accuracy is more than one in ten thousand, which is very suitable for making automatic control circuits for street lights. According to the actual situation, select its basic 4-speed timing (1h, 3h, 5h, 8h) plus a switch function to form a 5-speed light control timer circuit, and then install it in an ordinary 5-speed switch shell to make a 5-speed light control timing switch, which is used to control door lights or street lights. The circuit is shown in the figure.




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