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Capacitance measurement circuit c

Source: InternetPublisher:张小哥 Keywords: Capacitance measurement circuit BSP bridge circuit capacitor Updated: 2020/12/17

21.<strong>Capacitance measurement circuit</strong>c.gif

The bridge principle circuit for measuring low Q value inductors is shown in the figure. This bridge circuit is also called the
Maxwell electric car.
    In the inductor bridge circuit introduced above, the inductance is measured using a standard capacitor for comparison, and
its opposite arms are resistors. According to the basic principles of the AC bridge, if two adjacent arms are chosen to be pure resistors
, then the other two adjacent arms need to have the same impedance. In other words,
a standard place it in the phase of the measured inductor. A bridge circuit adjacent to the arm to measure the inductance. However, there are two inductance components in this bridge
circuit, which are prone to mutual inductance effects, and the measurement accuracy is poor.
In addition, standard capacitors are generally more accurate than standard inductors, so standard capacitors are usually used for




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