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Power type anti-stealing circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:宋元浩 Keywords: BSP electric energy meter Updated: 2021/12/21

14.Power type anti-electricity theft<strong>circuit</strong>.gif

When the power passing through the energy meter is inconsistent with the power consumed by the load
, it will be treated as electricity theft and the user's power supply will be cut off.
The power supply can be restored only after manual reset. Compared with the current type, the power type increases the monitoring
of the voltage in the electric energy meter and expands the scope of preventing electricity theft.     The circuit is shown in Figure 10-14. When electricity theft causes different voltages at both ends of Ri and wind , or different currents through TA1 and TAZ , a VTH trigger signal is generated. VTH is triggered to conduct , the relay K is closed, the normally closed contact is disconnected, and the circuit is open to the user. In case of power outage, the normally open contact K is closed and K is kept closed. After the power management personnel presses the reset button SB, K is released and the circuit can resume power supply.




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