Home > Optoelectronic Circuits >Optoelectronic Display Circuits > Night warning light circuit composed of multiple resonators

Night warning light circuit composed of multiple resonators

Source: InternetPublisher:已注销 Keywords: Resonator BSP photoresistor Updated: 2020/09/24

21. Night warning light<strong>circuit</strong> composed of multiple<strong>resonators</strong>.gif

Shown is a night warning light circuit composed of a multivibrator. The circuit is mainly composed of a photoresistor RG, a power supply circuit , a time base integrated circuit IC (NE555), a thyristor VT1 and related components.     After the circuit is powered on, the AC 220V voltage is first stepped down by cl, rectified by VD, and stabilized by VS1 and VS2, and then a DC voltage of about 12V is output to power each component in the circuit.     When there is enough light, the photoresistor is in a low resistance state, the ④ pin of the integrated circuit LC is in a low level state, the lc does not work, and the warning light EL does not light up.     When the light brightness decreases at night, the resistance value of the photoresistor becomes larger, the voltage of pin ④ of the IC increases, IC starts to work, and the oscillator circuit composed of peripheral components starts to oscillate, so that pin ③ outputs an oscillation signal to drive the thyristor VT1. It turns on and off at a certain frequency, and the warning light flashes.




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