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Digital sound field processing circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:兰博 Keywords: Processing circuit channel BSP Updated: 2021/08/15

2.<strong>Digital</strong>Sound Field<strong>Processing Circuit</strong>.gif

Shown is the structure of a digital sound field processing circuit . This circuit performs digital processing on digital audio signals. This
method can make the audio signals have a variety of sound effects. It uses digital simulation methods under the control of a microprocessor. , can perform digital synthesis,
enhance the depth and range of the bass, perform delay and reverberation processing, and perform equalization control, etc. to make the output multi- channel signal have the effects of a concert hall,
stadium, opera house, etc. (optional). The delay circuit uses digital memory RAM.
    @, @, @, @, @, @, @, @ pins are all input terminals for analog audio signals. They are equipped with a switch circuit to
select 2 stereo signals from the input. Through the operational amplifier (OP AMP) and A/ The D converter (ADC) turns into a digital signal and sends it to the DSP circuit. After
processing it outputs 4 signals, which pass through the D/A converter (E△DAC) respectively, and then pass through the attenuation control (ATT) before outputting analog signals. Signal.
The @ and @ pins output the main channel signal (L, R), the @ pin outputs the center channel signal, and the @ pin outputs the surround sound signal. The surround sound signal is then
changed into two channels (SL, SR) by the switch circuit. The subwoofer signal is processed separately. The external device can directly send the subwoofer signal (SUB), or
the main channel (LR) can be used to synthesize the subwoofer signal.




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