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Electric curtain circuit a Household appliance circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:蓝猫淘气 Keywords: Household appliances electric curtains electrical circuits switches Updated: 2021/12/01

9.<strong>Electric Curtain</strong>Circuit a <strong>Household Appliance</strong>Circuit.gif

This circuit only uses two limit switches ST1 and ST2. A DC toy motor M. A double pole double
throw switch QS and a set of 6V dry batteries.
  Move the double-pole double-throw switch to d and b, the motor M will rotate forward, and the transmission rope will drive the curtain and the impact block to move in a certain direction. When the impact pressure block
touches the limit switch ST1, the circuit is disconnected and the work stops. When the double-pole double-throw switch is moved to a and c, the motor M reverses and the curtain
moves in the opposite direction. When the impact pressure block hits the limit switch ST2, the circuit is disconnected and the work stops.
    2) The circuit is shown in Figure 1-9b. Using AC power supply, the circuit is simpler. The micro switches sl and S2 only require a pair of normally closed contacts, and
the switch S3 used to control the opening and closing of the curtains is a 2X2 toggle switch . Figure 1-9b shows the curtain in the stopped state after being closed. Due to the use of half-wave rectification
, the DC voltage output is lower than 6V. However, most toy motors on the market can operate normally with only 3V voltage, so it will not affect their use.




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