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Air negative ion generator circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: Negative ions generator circuit Updated: 2016/08/21

Air Negative Ion Generator The air negative ion generator uses high-voltage corona to increase the negative ion content in the air, thereby improving the air quality and promoting health. It is known as the "air vitamin". Medical clinical practice has proven that it has auxiliary effects on diseases such as the respiratory system, circulatory system, and nerves, so it is widely used in daily life and the medical field. This article introduces a high-efficiency open negative ion generator, which uses silicon-controlled inverter high voltage and suspended discharge needle. It has a simple structure, good effect, safety and reliability. It can work normally when the mains voltage is 160-250V, and consumes very little electricity, only about 1W, so it can work continuously for a long time. working principle                 空气负离子发生器电路    

The circuit of the negative ion generator is shown in Figure 1. The 220V mains power is rectified and current limited by VD1, VD2 and R1, R2. The one-way pulsating current controls the on and off of VS to produce oscillation. After being boosted by the transformer T, it is rectified by VD3 to obtain The negative high voltage of about 10,000 volts is discharged into the air, causing ionization and generating negative ions. The component selection and production component list is shown in the table below. No. Name Model Quantity R1 Resistor 22K 1/2W 1 R2 Resistor 27K 1/4W 1 R3 Resistor 2-4M 1 C1 Metallized paper capacitor 0.1u/400V 1 VD1, VD2 Rectifier diode IN4007 2 VD3 Silicon stack 18kV 1 VS Unidirectional SCR 1A/400V 1 T pulse transformer homemade 1 T can be transformed into a 14-inch black and white TV line output transformer, remove all low-voltage winding coils, use Φ = 0.35mm enameled wire or silk-covered wire to wind 28 turns to L1, the original high-voltage package is L2, and R3 is an anti-shock protection resistor with a resistance value of 2-4MΩ. The three discharge pins can be ordinary nickel-plated pins, and the high-voltage end leads should use black and white rows to output high-voltage lines. As long as the components of this circuit are good and the welding is correct, it can work normally without debugging.




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