Home > Power Circuits > Active device modulation distortion characterization software, have you heard of it?

Active device modulation distortion characterization software, have you heard of it?

Source: InternetPublisher:明天见 Keywords: Keysight Technologies active devices pna-x vector network analyzer Updated: 2020/05/28

What is active device modulation distortion characterization software? What does it do? May 27, 2019, Beijing - Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) announced the launch of the S93070xB modulation distortion characterization application software. Available as an option on Keysight's PNA-X vector network analyzer, the software provides wide system dynamic range and achieves extremely low residual error vector magnitude (EVM). Keysight Technologies is a leading technology company helping enterprise, service provider and government customers accelerate innovation and create a secure and connected world.

Active device modulation distortion characterization software, have you heard of it?

Traditional test systems, especially those used for the design, verification and production of 5G power amplifiers and beamformer integrated circuits, are usually very complex and there are many places where errors may occur. Mismatches and cable losses, for example, can affect signal fidelity as well as measurement accuracy and repeatability.

The new S93070xB modulation distortion characterization application software is fully integrated with Keysight's PNA-X vector network analyzer, allowing designers to accurately and quickly characterize device behavior when stimulated by modulated broadband signals in a repeatable manner. It uses advanced calibration technology to maintain extremely high accuracy, while also enabling one-click completion of current vector network analyzer measurements with a single connection and maintaining extremely low residual EVM.

"Engineers need to simplify their test systems so they can perform reliable, accurate and repeatable measurements," said Joe Rickert, vice president of research and development for high frequency measurement at Keysight Technologies. "By integrating modulation distortion characterization capabilities on PNAs, engineers can isolate and measure critical performance of their designs. parameters, reducing the complexity of the test environment and eliminating potential sources of error, resulting in confidence in obtaining reliable and consistent measurement results.”

Keysight’s new S93070xB modulation distortion characterization application software provides the following key capabilities to help customers overcome broadband measurement challenges and perform repeatable measurements easily and quickly:

The wider system dynamic range (lower noise floor) makes the residual EVM extremely low, which can completely characterize the device performance without being limited by the test system.

Use high-performance network analyzer (PNA) calibration technology to improve signal fidelity input to the device under test (DUT)

“Vector-corrected” EVM measurements with easy calibration

Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) calibration technology ensures customers obtain consistent, repeatable measurement results. The above is the analysis of active device modulation distortion characterization software, I hope it can help you.




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