Home > Power Circuits > Bourns precision sensor series, do you know it?

Bourns precision sensor series, do you know it?

Source: InternetPublisher:念慈菴 Keywords: bourns sensors mouser Updated: 2020/06/27

Do you know the Bourns precision sensor series? What does it do? January 2, 2019 – Mouser Electronics, an electronic component distributor that focuses on introducing new products and providing massive inventory, will stock the Bourns precision sensor (BPS) series from now on Environmental sensors. This new sensor series from Bourns uses microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology and includes high-precision pressure and humidity sensors suitable for demanding applications such as medical equipment, HVAC equipment and industrial process control.

Bourns precision sensor series, do you know it?

The Bourns BPS series supplied by Mouser Electronics consists of three pressure sensor series for sensitive operating conditions. The BPS110 and BPS120 sensors provide accurate sensing in the ultra-low pressure range of 0.15 psi to 1.0 psi and a stable 1.5% full-scale total error band (FS TEB) over the temperature range of 0 to 60°C. The BPS110 and BPS120 sensors are proud to announce a corrected pressure range to 1 inch (2.54 cm) underwater, providing fully calibrated and compensated output for increased processing efficiency.

The BPS130 sensor provides precision sensing in high temperature applications with an operating temperature range of -40 to 150°C and a 2.5% total error band (TEB) over the entire operating range of the device. The BPS130 sensor provides stable performance throughout its life cycle and is capable of operating over a wide pressure range from 15 to 500 psi.

The Bourns BPS range also includes the very accurate, low power BPS230 humidity sensor. These precision sensors provide ±3% relative humidity accuracy over a calibrated temperature range of -30 to 100°C and offer a low current consumption of 13 µA (typ) for battery-powered applications. The BPS230 sensor is available in a tiny 2.0 × 2.0 × 0.75 mm package, making it ideal for consumer products and medical monitoring equipment. The above is the analysis of Bourns precision sensor series, I hope it can help you.




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