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Harmonic distortion tester circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: Power supply other power circuits Updated: 2020/08/22

Harmonic distortion tester circuit



This new type of igniter attracts automobile manufacturers and users with its advantages such as low fuel consumption, low fuel consumption, and high output power. Its working principle is shown in the figure. When the piston in the automobile cylinder reaches the top dead center, a magnetic field in the distributor acts on the Hall circuit and outputs a low level. At this time, the current flowing through the resistor Ri and the island changes direction and flows into the Hall circuit H, so the transistors VT1 and VT2 are cut off. The magnetic energy stored in L oscillates in the L and G circuits, forming an alternating voltage of more than 200V. After this voltage is boosted by the ignition coil, a high voltage of 15kV is generated to ignite the fuel in the cylinder. As the engine rotates, the above process repeats itself.




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