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Energy-saving household small neon light circuit production

Source: InternetPublisher:难得正经 Keywords: LED circuit bridge rectifier neon light circuit Updated: 2020/03/30

Household small neon lamp circuit using energy-saving lamp electronic ballast. The electronic ballast of energy-saving lamp is composed of a bridge rectifier part, a high-frequency oscillator part and an output circuit. The circuit shown in Figure 1 is an electronic ballast for energy-saving lamps. Ballast for household small neon light circuit.

Circuit principle: The electronic ballast for energy-saving lamps is composed of a bridge rectifier part, a high-frequency oscillator part and an output circuit. Change the original choke to the EI-16 high-frequency output transformer in the picture to become a high-voltage power supply circuit for neon lights.


Energy-saving household small neon light circuit production

In the picture, EI-16 uses the line output transformer of a 14-inch black and white TV. The high-voltage package N2 remains in its original state. The original winding of the low-voltage package is removed, and then a 0.38-diameter 0.41mm Q2 high-strength enameled wire is wound around the original plastic frame for about 140 turns. Place a piece of paper between the EE-type magnetic cores and connect it to T2 as shown in the figure. The secondary N2 of the high-voltage package can be connected to the head and tail ends of the small neon tube.

Small neon light tubes can be made into auspicious words such as "Fu" and "Happiness" according to your own needs. This circuit can drive a 10mm diameter neon light tube 2-3m. The working process of this neon light is the same as the energy-saving lamp described on this site. It will not be stated here again.




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