Home > Power Circuits > SVG principle diagram

SVG principle diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:傻阿乐 Keywords: svg reactive power compensation comprehensive power supply Updated: 2020/03/29

SVG is the abbreviation of Static Var Generator and is the representative of the latest technology in the field of reactive power compensation today. SVG is connected in parallel to the power grid and is equivalent to a variable reactive current source. Its reactive current can be flexibly controlled and automatically compensates for the reactive power required by the system. Because of its extremely fast response speed, it is also called a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM for short).


SVG principle diagram

The technical basis of SVG is Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC). Its basic principle is to use high-power power electronic devices that can be turned off, such as IGBT, to form a self-commutated bridge circuit. The DC voltage is inverted into AC, and then connected in parallel to the power grid through a reactor to appropriately adjust the amplitude and phase of the output voltage on the AC side of the bridge circuit. Or directly controlling the AC side current can make the circuit absorb or emit reactive current that meets the requirements to achieve the purpose of dynamic reactive power compensation.


SVG principle diagram




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