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Electrical wiring diagram explanation

Source: InternetPublisher:睡不醒的小壮 Keywords: Power supply other power circuits Updated: 2021/01/07

The wiring diagram is drawn based on the circuit schematic diagram and should be viewed according to the schematic diagram. The figure below shows an example of a wiring diagram.


Electrical wiring diagram explanation

  Let’s look at the main circuit first, then the control circuit. When looking at the wiring diagram, you should check it sequentially from the power supply end according to the terminal marks and circuit numbers, to understand the direction of the circuit and the connection method of the circuit, and to understand how each component is connected to form a closed loop.


When looking at the wiring diagram, you should also look at the main circuit first and then the control circuit. When looking at the main circuit, you should start from the power input end and go through the control components, protection components and electrical equipment in sequence. This is different from when looking at the circuit schematic diagram.

When looking at the control circuit, one should start from the incoming end of the power supply, through the control components to the loop, and finally back to the other end of the power supply. Each loop should be analyzed in the order of components. The circuit number (wire number) in the wiring diagram is the mark for the connection of wires between electrical components. In principle, wires with the same number can be connected together. Since wiring diagrams mostly use single lines, the direction of the wires should be identified. In addition, it is also necessary to clarify the connections between the internal and external circuits of the terminal board. The wires with the same number in the internal and external circuits should be connected to the contacts of the same number on the terminal block.

In short, the circuit schematic diagram is the core of the circuit diagram. For some small equipment, the circuit is relatively simple and it is relatively easy to read the diagram. However, for some large equipment, the circuit is relatively complex and it is difficult to read the diagram. No matter what, you should follow the steps from simple to complex, from easy to difficult, and from coarse to fine to look at the picture until you completely understand the position.




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