MLX10803 application circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:明天见 Keywords: Application circuit switching frequency WIDTH Updated: 2021/05/21

MLX10803<strong><strong>Application Circuit</strong></strong>.jpg

 The MLX10803 is a highly adaptable LED driver. Compared to existing solutions, it contains several reference inputs and is designed to perform temperature compensation on external sensors . This ensures that the LED light is continuously maintained when the temperature changes. The output is stable. The MLX10803 offers superior performance in terms of temperature compensation and intelligence9 such as dimming down the brightness and a soft increase in brightness at startup. Typical efficiencies vary from 70% for single LED applications to over 95% for LED array applications. MLX10803 is suitable for applications with unloading voltages up to 80V, and its operating temperature range is -40~125℃.
  MLX10803 uses a pseudo-random switching frequency generator to reduce electrical noise. The inductor L1 should be determined based on the switching frequency and LED current. In the circuit, the switching frequency should be lower than 150kHz. If the LED current is between 0.5~1A, L1 and L2 are 100uH.




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