Home > Control Circuits > Infrared automatic faucet controller circuit diagram

Infrared automatic faucet controller circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:天天都吃好吃的 Keywords: Controller circuit diagram infrared automatic faucet Updated: 2020/11/13

The infrared automatic faucet controllerconsists of a transmitter and receiving, decoding and control parts.

555 and R1, R2, C1, etc. form an astable multivibrator with an oscillation frequency of about 40kHz. It drives three TLN104 infrared emitting diodes to generate infrared pulse modulated waves.

The infrared receiving head uses two TLP104 receiving tubes matched with TLNl04 to convert infrared light into electrical signals, which are passed through IC 2

After amplification, it is added to IC3, which is a phase-locked loop audio decoder. Adjust RP1 so that the center frequency of IC3 is consistent with the transmitted modulation frequency of 40KHz.

When a signal comes, pin 8 of LM567 outputs low level, VT1 is cut off, and the AC solid-state relay IC4 (SP110) is triggered because there is no control signal, and the AC output is in a disconnected state.

When someone washes his hands and blocks the infrared beam, there is no signal input to LM567. Pin 8 is at high level due to the high-level bias of R7, VT1 is turned on, and IC4 has a jumping pulse signal at the control end, causing SP110 to The AC voltage is turned on, causing the solenoid valve of the faucet to automatically open and release water. After the human hand leaves, the infrared light shines on the receiving head again, the LM567 output returns to low level, VT1 is cut off, and the AC output of IC 4 is also disconnected.

<strong><strong><strong>Infrared</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Automatic Faucet</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong ><strong>Controller circuit diagram</strong></strong></strong>.jpg




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