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Bedside lamp safety switch circuit (1)

Source: InternetPublisher:已注销 Keywords: switch circuit switch BSP trigger Updated: 2021/09/10

16. Bedside lamp safety<strong><strong>switch</strong>circuit</strong> (1).gif

Many families now use bedside lamp lighting
switches. This switch is directly connected in
series to the power cord of the bedside lamp, making it easy to use during summer work. However
, after long-term use, if the power cord is broken, it may cause accidents
. If you use the Anna switch shown in Figure 6, you
can use it with confidence.
    Foot switch S. The transistor VT can be turned on by obtaining the trigger current through
R, R, S, and S. The controlled lamp F will receive the full alternating current and emit light normally; when the switch S is turned on, VT will lose the f J pole trigger current when the alternating current crosses zero. Off, the light goes out. So "turning on and off the light is no different from that of an ordinary bedside light switch. However, the power cord connected to the bedside switch S has a high-resistance resistor R in series to isolate it from R, so even if the power cord breaks, the It will not cause electric shock accidents. VI. It is best to use micro -trigger tubes     with smaller trigger current , such as 2N6565, MCR100-8 and other one-way tubes. R., R, Rj-l/4W metal film with better quality should be used The resistance of the resistor should not be less than 15Mn. When making it, put the entire circuit into a small plastic box of suitable size. The small box can be placed near the lighting lamp E. Two plastic wires are led out from the c and d ends and connected With the bedside switch S , you can use it with confidence.




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