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Bedside lamp safety switch circuit (2)

Source: InternetPublisher:风向双子座 Keywords: switching circuit BSP switch Updated: 2020/01/13

17. Bedside lamp safety<strong><strong>switch</strong>circuit</strong> (2).gif

It is a bedside lamp safety switch composed of a bidirectional thyristor, and I. The same example, R. , R,
are also high -value resistors used for electrical isolation. When the switch
S is closed , the neon bubble V glows, the photoresistor RJ shows low resistance when exposed to light, the bidirectional thyristor VTH is triggered to open, and the lamp E lights up; open S. v Stop Positive Glow, RJ. When there is no light, the resistance value is high , VTH is turned off, and the lamp E goes out.     R1. Photoresistors with bright resistance less than 2kn should be used. Neon bubbles such as NH 416 type can be used . When installing, the light-receiving surface of R should be aligned with the glow of V, and then they should be sealed in a small black pen barrel. VTH can use 1A, '-100V small plastic bidirectional thyristor , such as MAC94A4 type, etc.




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