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Thyristor two-tone lighting circuit (2)

Source: InternetPublisher:fish001 Keywords: Thyristor dimmer lamp BSP Updated: 2020/10/06

37.<strong>Thyristor</strong>Dual-color<strong>Dimmer lamp</strong><strong>Circuit</strong> (2).gif

Two bidirectional thyristors are used to control the brightness adjustment of the red and green lights respectively, which can achieve better
light effect. It is essentially two-way thyristor stepless dimmers introduced in the previous example, but they share a potentiometer
for operation.
    Pour in El and E2 as red and green light bulbs respectively, and
use a potentiometer RP to simultaneously adjust the conduction angles of thyristors
VTH1 and VTH2. RP, Rl, R,
and C. Composed of the voltage phase-shifting network of the thyristor VTH1
, RP, R. , R, and c:
the voltage regulating and phase-shifting network that forms the thyristor VTH2. After the power is turned on,
the power passes through R,, RP (assuming that the sliding end of RP is in the
center position) and the resistors R,, R. To the capacitor C respectively. ,
G charging. Change (R,+RP+R,)C. Union (R.-rRP+R,) (the time constant of n can change
the conduction angle of thyristor VTH1 and vrH2, thereby changing the brightness of lights El and E2. It can be clearly seen from the figure that
m, when RP When the sliding end moves to the left, the lamp El gradually brightens and the lamp E2 gradually dims; conversely, when the sliding end
moves to the right, the lamp El gradually dims and E2 gradually brightens.
    VrHl, VTH2 uses TLC22113, MAC94A4, MAC97A6 and other small Tan-sealed bidirectional
thyristors. VDH1 and VDH2 use 2CTS bidirectional trigger tubes, which require a folding voltage
of about . El and E2 can use incandescent bulbs of red, green or other colors, and the power should be 60W or 60W the following.




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