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Energy-saving three-phase asynchronous motor phase failure protection circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:常思一二 Keywords: Three-phase asynchronous motor phase failure protection power saving protection circuit Updated: 2021/12/07

13.<strong>Power-saving</strong> type<strong>Three-phase asynchronous motor</strong>Phase failure<strong>Protection circuit</strong>.gif

Working principle of the circuit: Use wires to lead out the Y terminals of the three-phase power supply of the motor,
and connect them to the capacitor C. C3, and through these three capacitors, it generates an
artificial Y connected to the neutral point. When the motor is working normally, the voltage at the neutral point artificially connected to Y
is zero, which is consistent with the neutral point potential of the three-phase four-wire, so the voltage between the two points is zero, the rectifier
has no output, and the relay K does not operate. When a phase of the motor is disconnected,
the voltage at the neutral point artificially connected to Y will rise significantly. When the rectified voltage reaches 12 V, the relay
will close. At this time, the AC contactor controls the four-way cutoff, and the contactor is released when it loses power, thereby
achieving the purpose of protecting the motor.




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