SE9201 Holiday ASIC
Source: InternetPublisher:子丑寅卯 Keywords: Application specific integrated circuit thyristor filter Updated: 2020/01/18
The holiday lights controller circuit made with SE 9201 integrated circuit is shown in Figure 2-49. One channel of the 220V AC hydroxyl VD1~VD4
bridge rectifier supplies power to the eight-channel lanterns HI~H8, and the other channel supplies power to the integrated block A through R1 step-down, VD5 voltage stabilization and C1 filtering
. The eight output terminals Q1~Q8 of the integrated electric block directly drive the silicon controlled thyristors VSI~VS8 through the resistors R2-R9.
In the figure, the pattern selection terminals BI~B4 are all left unconnected. Readers can connect according to their own requirements as shown in Table 2-21, so
that the eight-way colored lights H1~H8 can flash according to the set flash mode. Adjusting the potentiometer RP can change the cyclic flashing
frequency of the colored lights.
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