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Use LC182 to create a home karaoke lighting renderer

Source: InternetPublisher:石榴姐 Keywords: BSP potentiometer Updated: 2020/12/18

56. Use LC182 to create a home karaoke <strong>lighting</strong> renderer.gif

The circuit of the karaoke lighting renderer is shown in Figure 2-125. The circuit consists of an audio amplifier, a voltage-controlled lighting control dedicated integrated
circuit and a power supply circuit.
    B is the electret condenser microphone . After picking up the environmental sound wave signal, it outputs the corresponding electrical signal, which is amplified by the transistor VT. It is sent to pin 5 of the integrated circuit LC182
through the potentiometer RP1 and capacitor C2. After being internally rectified and amplified, it is sent to the control circuit.
The internal voltage-controlled oscillator allows the oscillation frequency to change with the strength of the audio signal, thereby changing
the rate of pulse conversion at its output end. Therefore, the rate at which the four groups of colored lights H1~H4 can be cyclically lit can follow the environmental sound waves. changes in strength. The louder the singer's singing
voice, the faster the cycle rate, and vice versa. Adjusting the potentiometer RP1 can change the intensity of the input audio signal, so it can
control the sound control sensitivity of the circuit. RP2, R3 and C3 are the external oscillation resistors
and capacitors of the internal voltage-controlled oscillator of the integrated block LC182 , so adjusting the potentiometer RP2 can also change the cycle rate of the colored lights H1~H4.




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