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Battery Powered Fluorescent Light Circuit (1)

Source: InternetPublisher:石榴姐 Keywords: Battery powered fluorescent BSP Updated: 2020/04/06

285.<strong>Battery-powered</strong><strong>Fluorescent lamp</strong><strong>Circuit</strong> (1).gif

The 285 is a battery powered fluorescent lamp circuit that can be used for temporary emergency lighting during power outages
. Transistor V 7′, coil I., L of step-up transformer T: and capacitor c-. ~G forms an inductive feedback oscillator
, and the oscillation voltage passes through the boost line. After opening the voltage,
add it directly to both ends of the fluorescent lamp E to stimulate the lamp E
to emit light. VT adopts silicon high-power
transistor such as 2SD88? type, p≥50 is enough. E is sw fluorescent tube.
(; 6V, 41h maintenance-free battery can be used. The step-up transformer
T needs to be homemade: use an E-type ferrite core with a cross-sectional area of ​​5mm ×
5mm, /- -f,. Use
#0. 22mm high-strength enameled wire Winding, L., ", ^
double wires on the skeleton and wind 20", when tapping, pay attention to the end of the same name, ". Wind 2/0-250. The circuit
    is relatively simple, no need to test, just turn on the power Normal operation. Close Jf switch S, and the tube E will light up. If the brightness is not enough, adjust the values ​​of R., C and C appropriately until the brightness meets the requirements. If the lamp E does not light up, it means that the electric If the hoof does not vibrate, it may be that the ends of the coil have the wrong name. Just align the two ends of the coil L. 'or,.:).




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