BA2101 touch step dimming light circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:super_star Keywords: Touch type dimmer light BSP Updated: 2020/07/08
The BA2101 dimming ASIC is used to produce a touch-type stepping barrel light, which is very
suitable for desk lamp lighting. Each time the electrode piece M is touched, the brightness of the desk lamp E can be
selected cyclically in the step sequence of "low light, qJ light, strong light, off, low light...".
BA2101 is a dimming desk lamp
integrated circuit
produced by BEC. It is manufactured
using CMOS1 technology
and comes in a standard DIP-8 package
. The functions of pin 30
are: ① pin osc, the internal
clock is connected to an external oscillation
resistor; ② pin SYN,
the AC synchronization signal input
terminal; ③ pin V∞, the positive terminal
of the power supply ; ④ pin SP, the touch signal input terminal; ⑤ Pin CI, external resistor and capacitor terminal: ⑥ Pin TCO, control
signal output terminal; ⑦ Pin vs.., negative terminal of power supply; ⑧ Pin 50/60Hz, AC frequency selection terminal. When the AC
frequency is 50Hz, this terminal is connected VDD. When the AC frequency is 60Hz, this terminal is left floating. The typical operating voltage of BA 2101
is DC 9V.
In the circuit, VD1, VS, s and (j form a power circuit. After power on,
a current voltage of about 9V can be obtained at both ends of chu(j for the integrated block to use power. Rt obtains the AC synchronization signal for the integrated block, R, which is sufficient for the integrated block. The external oscillation
resistor I of the block is connected, r is the isolation safety capacitor, and M is the touch electrode piece. When the human hand touches M,
the miscellaneous signal induced by the human body is sent to the ④ pin of the integrated circuit through (_, R,, and the center). After being processed by the internal circuit of BA2101 , the output trigger signal of pin ⑥
is added to the gate of thyristor VTH through C- and R-, causing the thyristor VTH to turn on and the lamp
F to light up. When M is touched for the second time, the pin ⑥ can be changed. ⑥ Pin output pulse front arrival time, thus changing
the brightness of the lamp. Touch M repeatedly, the brightness of bulb E presses: weak light + medium light - strong light - off - weak light
... changes cyclically. Increase or decrease the discharge resistor R, The value of the discharge capacitor c can change the difference in brightness.
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