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Light controlled street light circuit using TWH8751

Source: InternetPublisher:走马观花 Keywords: Light controlled street light BSP Updated: 2020/11/14

200.<strong>Light-controlled street light</strong><strong>circuit</strong> using TWH8751.gif

A light-screw automatic street light composed of TWH87sl power switch integrated circuit
connects the input pin ① of TWH8751 to the positive terminal of the power supply, so the output pin @ status is controlled by the strobe terminal, that is, the level of pin ②
. During the day, RP shows low resistance when exposed to natural light. The strobe pin ② is high level , so the output
pin ④ is also high level. Relay K does not operate and street light E does not light up. Night, Rl. When there is no light
, the resistance is high, the ② pin of the strobe terminal is low level, the Darlington tube inside TWH8751 is turned on, the ④ pin is low level , the relay
K is closed, its moving contact kl is closed, and the street lamp E is energized. glow.
    Adjusting the RP resistance value can adjust the light control sensitivity of the circuit. R. , c. In order to interfere with the pulse absorption circuit, it can eliminate the influence of short-term light on the circuit
at night . T Dingchuan 220V:121:, jVA small high-quality power transformer. According to the load size, select the appropriate I_ relay with a voltage of 12V, such as JZ ('22F, DC12V type, etc.).




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