Single-channel flashing light string circuit (2)
Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: Flashing light BSP LED Updated: 2020/12/26
It is another simple and easy-to-make single-channel flashing light string controller. The circuit is mainly
composed of a novel flashing and luminous JJ core device. 220V AC power is rectified by VD, R. ,N. The voltage is divided and then filtered to provide a T component voltage of about 5V for the
flashing light-emitting diode LLD. The light-emitting tube begins to flash and emit light, that is, the gap is turned on
and off, and its conduction current is added to the transistor VT through R. The door
panel makes VI and trigger open, and E lights up; when the LED is turned off
, VT loses the trigger current, turns off when the AC crosses zero
, and the light string E goes out. Therefore, the light string F can interact with the light-emitting diode
LF. D is used as a flicker monitor.
[, E/D is the manufacturing key of this circuit
, and a
flickering light-emitting diode with a flickering frequency of 2~5I{z can be used . VD can use
a 114007 silicon rectifier diode tube. VT can use MCR100
8, 2N6565 and other small plastic-wrapped thyristors. C can use ordinary CDL1-2SV lb decomposed capacitors, and
the light string F on the Ib circuit is in a half-wave undervoltage operating state, so it has a long service life.
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