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Three-way flashing light string circuit (2)

Source: InternetPublisher:失踪的猫 Keywords: flashing light BSP Updated: 2021/07/14

246.Three-way<strong>Flashing Light</strong>String<strong>Circuit</strong> (2).gif

The novel ship control integrated circuit I, P167 is composed of a three-way flashing light string controller. I.P167 is
an audio claw control special integrated circuit, which adopts DIP-8 standard package and integrates Juezhuan rectifier amplifier,
giant control oscillator, Ift ring timing counting distributor and three open-drain outputs in the IU circuit. I, I, 1 6 7 release pin functions
are as follows. Pins ①, ② and ⑦ are three open-drain output terminals a, b and c, which are
controlled by the internal voltage-controlled oscillator and ring timing counter distributor. They can
appear high level to drive external thyristors
. Tube. Pin ③ is the internal voltage-controlled oscillator and is connected to
an external oscillation resistor and capacitor terminal
RC. Pin ③ is connected to an external resistor and capacitor
value to change the voltage-controlled oscillation frequency
. Pin ⑤ is
the input terminal IJI of the rectifier amplifier. Changing the amplitude of the audio signal input by pin ⑤
can also change
the frequency of the voltage-controlled oscillator. The ⑥ pin is the loop mode control terminal CON. When pin ⑥ is left floating or connected to low level, it is the forward
sequence, that is, the output level sequence of a, b, c is ah-c-a-...; when pin ⑥ is connected to high level, it is the reverse
sequence , that is, a , }J, c terminal appears high level is called sequence ba-ch-a.... Pin ④ is the negative terminal of the power supply, which is the ground
terminal CND. Pin ⑧ is the power terminal v-. The input terminal IN of the U-channel rectifier amplifier, that is, pin ⑤, is left unused
. Only by changing the external oscillation resistor of pin ③, that is, the resistance of the potentiometer RP, can
the frequency of the internal voltage-controlled oscillator of the chip be changed to adjust the lantern. The cycle lighting rate of the string
    is fixed, R, VD, vs and r- form a simple resistor step-down half-wave rectification and voltage stabilizing circuit, which outputs about
12V DC power for I.P167. After power-on, T, P167's ①, The ② and ⑦ pins appear high level , and through
R1, they are added to the gate of the crystal transistor VTl-wn to make it conduct in turn, so the three groups of
colored light are lit up. , as long as the light strings are properly arranged in the space, a sense of flow can be created. S is the forward and reverse control
. When Xiao S is turned on, the colored lights flow in the forward direction, that is, the lighting sequence is: El-E2-E3-E1-...; I Ke closes and
opens ks, which is the reverse flow, that is, the lighting sequence is: F】,E3-E2-F,l---. The flow speed can
be abridged through RP. The current flowing through the string of colored lights in this circuit is 1# wave alternating current, so the bulb is in a high-voltage working state
. Although it emits light at long intervals, its service life is extremely long.
    The manifold block is I, P167. There are 5(-.1 6 7, HL30'{3, etc.) with the same numbers in the catalog, which can be directly replaced. VTI
~ VT3 can use Xitong M(, R]00-8 type, etc. Small plastic-encapsulated unidirectional thyristor. It is best to use RJ-1W metal
film resistor. The parameters of other components are different and there are no special requirements.




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