Digital resolver circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:石榴姐 Keywords: Resolver AD motor Updated: 2021/05/02
Use AD 2S90 to form a digital rotary transformer: AD2S90 is low cost, can provide
three-wire serial axis angle information and the special function of three-wire imitation of incremental encoder signals, and
can also provide functions such as speed measurement analog signal VEL and direction signal DIR. Its
small square package makes it possible to install it directly inside the motor . LntOP. Clifton Company, a well-known manufacturer of self-aligning machine
products in the United States, assembled the AD2S90 and a No. 11 frame
brushless resolver into a whole, becoming the DRBB-:1 digital resolver
. It is only -0 8in (about 20mm) longer than the original motor . Figure 8-23 shows
r its internal circuit block diagram. E also contains an AD 712 dual operational amplifier circuit ,
one of which is connected as a Wien oscillator bridge to generate a reference voltage signal, and the other operational
amplifier is used as a buffer amplifier to excite the resolver .
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