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Schematic diagram of IR2110 used in forward inverter system

Source: InternetPublisher:newrudeman Keywords: Inverter IR2110 Updated: 2020/01/03

20.<strong>IR2110</strong> for use in forward<strong>inverter</strong> systems<strong>Schematic</strong>.gif

Application in forward inverter system: The wiring when IRZ110 is used in this kind of line
is shown in Figure 12-39. In this application, the lower channel and upper channel of IR 2110 share an
input pulse signal, thus determining its The output HO and LO are in phase.
The working principle of this inverter is that when the upper channel output HO is high level , VF, is turned on. At this time, because the lower
channel output LO is also high level, VF, is turned on, and VF, is turned off. , VF. is turned on, and the current
flows through the high-voltage power supply HV, the field-dispersing transistor VF, the load Z and the field-effect transistor
VF,. And when the output HO of the upper channel and the output LO of the lower channel are low
level, VF, and VF. Off, VF. On, the freewheeling path of the inductive load Z is
VF. , Z and VD. to the high voltage power supply. It can be seen that this kind of inverter does not matter whether the input control
signal is high level or low level , and the current and voltage on the load Z are in a positive
direction (from left to right). Therefore, it is called forward inverter. In the figure, HL is the load current
sampling link. Its function is to provide an overcurrent protection signal to the protection circuit to "
carry out overcurrent protection."




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