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Principle of half-wave rectifier circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: Circuit principle half-wave rectifier circuit AC voltage rectifier tube Updated: 2021/11/22

1. Half-wave rectification<strong>Circuit Principle</strong>.gif

Bridge rectifier capacitor filter power supply is one of the main power supplies currently used in power amplifier circuits. This power supply circuit has a simple structure
and good performance. The bridge rectifier circuit is a full-wave rectifier circuit, that is,
it has a DC output in both the positive and negative half cycles of the AC power supply . In order to explain its working principle, let's start with the half-transition rectifier circuit. Figure 7-1 is
a working principle diagram of a half-wave rectifier circuit. In the figure, the secondary AC voltage value of the power transformer is e2=E. Sin = E2 sin basis, where
E2 is the effective value of the secondary AC voltage of the transformer. In the positive half cycle of AC, terminal l is positive, terminal 2 is negative, the rectifier
VD is turned on, and a current o is output to the load RL. During the negative half cycle, terminal l is negative, terminal 2 is positive, and the rectifier VD is reverse biased.
No conduction, no current in the load circuit. Therefore, in each cycle of the AC voltage , only half of the current flows through the load
, and the load voltage Vd is a unidirectional pulsating DC voltage, as shown in Figure 7-1 (b). One cycle of alternating current is 2, and
the rectified DC output voltage can be expressed as:




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