Home > Power Circuits > Full wave rectifier circuit

Full wave rectifier circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:司马缸砸光 Keywords: Rectifier circuit DC voltage center tap Updated: 2021/04/26

3. Full wave<strong>rectifier circuit</strong>.gif

The half-transition rectifier circuit has the simplest structure, but the output DC voltage ripple is large and the efficiency is low. Therefore,
full-transition rectifier and bridge full-wave rectifier circuits are often used in practice. Figure 7-3(a) is a practical full-wave rectifier circuit. Compared with the half-transition rectifier circuit
, the transformer secondary of the full-wave rectifier circuit adds a set of identical windings and a rectifier tube. Two sets of secondary
windings are connected in series, and the connection point in the middle is called the center tap . When the circuit is working, in the positive half cycle of AC, VDi is turned on, and the current flows through
I to the load RL, and flows back to the center tap o. During the negative half cycle, VI is turned on, and the current passes through VD2 to the load RL, and also returns to
the center tap o. Compared with half-wave rectification, the DC voltage obtained on RL in one cycle of AC is two half-cycles of DC voltage. The
average DC voltage value is Vd =0.9E2, which is doubled, and the ripple is also reduced. If added With filter capacitor C, the ripple
is smaller, but the conduction angle of the rectifier is reduced. The output DC voltage is slightly increased, but when the load is open circuit, Vd=
pressure Ez, which is the same as half-wave rectification. When RⅡ/RL= At 5%, Vd =1,2Ezo rectifier output voltage and current waveforms
and values ​​are as shown in the figure




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