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Yanbian triangle decompression starting control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Keywords: control circuit dynamic control motor winding Updated: 2020/03/24

13. Yanbian triangle decompression starting<strong>control circuit</strong>.gif

Yanbian triangle decompression starting means that when the motor is started, one part of the three
-phase stator winding is connected to eatY, the other part is connected to △ connection, and the entire
winding is connected to form a Yanbian triangle. After the motor is started, the three-phase stator winding is connected to Run in
△ connection. The Yanbian triangle decompression starting control circuit is shown in Figure 4u 13.
    When starting, press the start button SB2, the contactor KM1 is powered and
self-locked, and the three-phase power supply is connected to the three outlet terminals
Ul, Vl, and Wl of the motor through the main contact of KM1. At the same time, contactor KM2 is electrically closed, and the main contact of KM2 is closed.
U2, V3, V2, W3, W2, and U3 are connected into a j-shaped extension, and the motor
is decompressed and started. At the same time, the KT coil is energized. After a delay period,
the KT normal wide j contact is disconnected, the contactor KM2 is powered off and released, and the U2, V3, V2, w3, W2, and U3 connectors are disconnected; KT is normally open The contacts are closed and KM3 is
electrically closed. Reconnect Ul, w2, VI, U2, Wl, and V2 respectively, the stator windings are converted into △ connection, and the motor enters full voltage operation.




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