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  • Duration:18 minutes and 3 seconds
  • Date:2017/06/15
  • Uploader:老白菜
"Electrical Technology" is a basic technical course for undergraduate students in non-electrical majors in colleges and universities. The main purpose of the course is to introduce the basic principles and applications of electrical engineering based on students' needs for electrical engineering knowledge in this major. Content includes: basic theory and analysis methods of circuits, circuit simulation tools (Spice and Multisim), principles and applications of electric motors, relay-contactor control and programmable controllers (PLC), etc.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the teaching materials and tutorial materials for this course?
The textbook is "Basics of Electrical and Electronic Technology and EDA" (Part 1) edited by Duan Yusheng and Wang Yandan, published by Tsinghua University Press in January 2015; the tutoring material is "Study Guide for Electrical and Electronic Technology" edited by Wang Yandan and Duan Yusheng, Tsinghua University Press Published in 2012.
Which experimental instruction book is it?
The experimental guide is "Electrical Technology and Electronic Technology Experiment Guide" edited by Wang Yandan and Duan Yusheng, published by Tsinghua University Press in 2012.
What kind of circuit simulation software is introduced in the course?
There are many kinds of circuit simulation software, but they are all expanded versions with Spice as the core. Therefore, this book focuses on Spice and provides corresponding free application software for readers to learn Spice. After mastering the basic content of Spice, you will use the circuit simulation software Multisim to perform circuit simulation. This software is commercial software and needs to be installed by the reader. In addition, according to the reader's conditions, you can also choose other Spice-based circuit simulation software, such as Tina or Pspice.
Why does this course spend a certain amount of time introducing Spcie? What is the relationship between Spice and traditional teaching content?
Spice is the most basic software tool for electronic design automation. This course introduces the circuit simulation tool Spice after finishing the DC circuit, and adopts the "combined use, step by step" method in subsequent content to introduce the basic knowledge of Spice into the course, which can avoid lengthy and cumbersome explanations. Spice can also be organically combined with traditional teaching content to make it easier for readers to learn.
Which type of PLC is used as an example to introduce programmable controllers?
Programmable controllers (PLC) are now an indispensable part of electrical technology teaching. This course takes Siemens S7-200 series PLC as the introduction object. Because different PLC products are similar in terms of programming statements and usage methods, after mastering the usage of S7-200, readers can easily switch to learning and using other brand products.
How is Multisim software introduced in the course?
Multisim is a circuit simulation application software based on Spice. Only after understanding Spice can you use Multisim well. This course focuses on using Multisim. Its operation method will be briefly introduced, but readers need to do more simulation exercises to use it well.
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