[TMS320C665x]01. Installation of CCS and Process SDK http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7e7fa4c80102wdka.html describes the installation of the software.
There is no problem with compilation, but errors o
In EVC, I wrote a DeviceQuery component and wrote the following code in another DLL: HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_IDeviceQuery,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_DeviceQuery,(void**)&m_IDeviceQuery); There
In the EMC design of PCB, the first thing involved is the layer setting; the number of layers of a single board is composed of the number of power supply layers, ground layers and signal layers; in th
Recently I started to learn the development software of LPCXPresso, a development tool for NXP processors. When I first started to learn this, I used KEIL and AVRICC when I was developing C51 and AVR.
[Raspberry Pi 4B Review] + Environment Construction, OpenSSL Library Usage
Yesterday I got the long-awaited board, and today I started testing. First, I set up the environment. Various tutorials on th