• Duration:10 minutes and 57 seconds
  • Date:2015/02/12
  • Uploader:dongcuipin
keywords: AT91SAM AT91Bootstrap
This course is aimed at the knowledge points of all startup solutions of the AT91SAM series (AT91Bootstrap). AT91Bootstrap is the first stage boot program based on AT91SAM processor and ARMThumb instruction set. It is a software structure application module customized for special development purposes. AT91Bootstrap also provides a clean example for performing basic static configuration on specialized devices, such as PMCs and PIOs.

1. Introduction to Bootstrap and the history, functions and differences of AT91 Bootstrap.

2. Provide a classified introduction to Bootstrap based on different boot memories. Including NAND Flash, SPI Serial Flash, SD Card/EMMC. Differences and considerations for these startups.

3. This is the most important part. AT91Bootstrap has Atmel mobile phone function code, which is usually verified on its own evaluation board, but there is no guarantee that AT91Bootstrap will be applicable to various customer boards. Configuration files will be provided to make the code more adaptable to different platforms. Let’s talk about some customization examples, including modifications to external RAM memory and introduction to one wire. Finally, the AT91SAM startup flow chart is provided.

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