• Duration:2 minutes and 8 seconds
  • Date:2016/11/24
  • Uploader:量子阱
Various types of drones are now emerging in endlessly. Recently, an Airblock modular programmable drone appeared on Kickstarter. In addition to being able to fly, it can also be assembled in various creative ways to make movable devices with various shapes and functions. It can be said to be a perfect match for both big and small children. An excellent playmate for children.
Programmable modular drone Airblock: Although it is an entry-level product, it can be played in a variety of ways.
Programmable modular drone Airblock: Although it is an entry-level product, it can be played in a variety of
ways. The material selected by Airblock is engineering plastic foam, which is both lightweight and durable. The wrapped rotor of the drone greatly increases its safety, making it neither easy to break when it falls to the ground nor easy to scratch children, making it very safe for children to play with.
Programmable modular drone Airblock: Although it is an entry-level drone, it has a variety of ways to play.
The modules are connected through magnetic attachment joints. Even if it hits an obstacle and falls to the ground and breaks into several pieces, it will not be damaged. Just pick it up, put it back together, and keep flying.
Airblock also enables visual programming. Connected to a mobile phone or tablet via Bluetooth function, the drone can be programmed on the exclusive APP. You can easily control the drone by combining the program codes by dragging and dropping, and then pressing the confirm button. If you don't like programming, you can control Airblock directly using the joystick.
Programmable modular drone Airblock: Although it is an introductory product, it has various play
modes. Airblock has two main modes: hexacopter drone and hovercraft, but its modular nature allows it to create more modes.
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