• Duration:45 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Date:2016/09/14
  • Uploader:soso
EMI testing is unavoidable in electronic product design, but it is also an expensive test. EMI diagnostics allow product designers to resolve problems before conducting costly EMI testing. For products that have not passed the EMI test, EMI diagnosis is a means to find the source of the fault. Tektronix recently launched the cost-effective real-time spectrum analyzer RSA306, which provides a cost-effective EMI diagnostic tool for the majority of electronic product designers. In addition, Tektronix MDO series mixed domain analyzers and high-end desktop real-time spectrum analyzers are unique in the field of EMI testing, and can quickly discover EMI problems and locate the source of EMI. This webinar will introduce the basic methods of EMI testing and Tektronix test solutions.
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