• Duration:4 minutes and 39 seconds
  • Date:2016/07/15
  • Uploader:phantom7
keywords: Toshiba Stepper Motor
Characteristics of stepper motors and classification of stepper motors.
The position and speed signals of a stepper motor when working are not fed back to the control system. If the position and speed signals of the stepper motor are fed back to the control system, then it is a servo motor. Compared with The control of servo motors and stepper motors is relatively simple but not suitable for occasions with high precision requirements.
Advantages of stepper motors: simple control and high precision
1. Click operation is easy to control through pulse signals and input to the motor
2. No feedback circuit is required to Returns the position and speed information of the rotating axis (open loop control)
3. Greater reliability is achieved because there is no contact brush.
Stepper motor disadvantages: noise, vibration and efficiency
1. Requires a pulse signal output circuit
2. When the control is not When appropriate, loss of synchronization may occur
3. Heat is generated due to the current still present after the rotating shaft has stopped

Stepper motor classification:
Unipolar type, Bipolar type
Classification according to rotor: Reactive, permanent magnet, hybrid
According to stator Winding: 2-phase, 3-phase, 5-phase
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