• Duration:7 minutes and 15 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
Course background:
The Internet of Things emphasizes the data connection between items. Bluetooth, as the most widely used short-distance data communication method, has been widely used in the Internet of Things. This course mainly explains how to use the Bluetooth module in Arduino, laying the foundation for students to establish Internet of Things applications with object communication capabilities.
Core content:
1. Basic principles of Bluetooth communication
2. Basic concepts in Bluetooth communication
3. Hardware connection and configuration method of Arduino Bluetooth module
4. Example demonstrating how to use a mobile phone to establish a data connection with Arduino through Bluetooth
Software environment: Arduino IDE, Fritzing
Whether to provide materials: No
Course level: Elementary
Suitable for the crowd:
Enthusiasts of embedded, Internet of Things, and smart hardware with zero foundation
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