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  • Peking University Course: Electromagnetics 38
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  • Duration:40 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: electromagnetic
The electromagnetics course of Peking University, produced by Peking University and based on the "New Concept Physics Tutorial - Electromagnetism" written by Professor Zhao Kaihua, was rated as a national quality course in 2003. Professor Chen Bingqian has taught electromagnetics courses for a long time and has rich experience. He has extensive research on electromagnetics teaching, and his classroom lectures are exciting and unique in style. He accurately grasps the key points and difficulties in the classroom and explains them thoroughly. His lecture videos are very helpful for teachers who teach electromagnetics courses to improve their teaching skills. This video includes a total of 60 hours of lessons. It was recorded by the Audio-visual Education Center of Peking University. The video quality is very good.
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