In some application circuits that require special operations, read-only memory ROM is a key component. Designers usually use ROM to create various lookup tables to simplify circuit design and improve
Recently, a customer sent an oscilloscope for repair . The fault of the oscilloscope was that channel 3 was faulty. Let's take a look at the specific repair process below~1. Instrument model:Tektronix
In the past, I used AT89S52 and AT89C55WD microcontrollers. Now I want to change to AT89S8253 for capacity and cost considerations. I tried burning the same program to drive the motor, and found that
[National Technology N32WB452 Review] + Bluetooth OTA Upgrade (Successful Edition)Preface:In the previous article, due to hardware failure, only theoretical analysis and C language analysis were done.
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:14[/i] It is said that the nec chip is needed in the competition. I found it on the Internet with great difficulty. I share it with you