Experimental plan: mps430fr5969 reads the information of mpu6050 through the I2C bus, and then transmits it to the host computer for attitude settlement, and performs simple up, down, left, and right
I am in need of a batch of GSM modules now. I hope to recycle old mobile phones and remove the GSM modules from them to reduce costs. However, I don't know which brands and models of mobile phones are
[b]Embedded System Interview Questions: [/b]Can structures be passed to the functions by value?Why cannot arrays be passed by values to functions?Advantages and disadvantages of using macro and inline
The environment settings of my WinCE development platform: PC operating system: Windows XP home; evc environment: evc4+sp3+sp4+ActiveSync4.5+standardsdk+standardsdk4.2+ppc2003sdk+Windows mobile second
The Freescale MCU is used, which does not have a clock module. The most troublesome problem is that if the power is off, the clock module must continue to work. In this case, do we have to add dry bat