Matter has become really popular recently, so the question is, if we want to popularize the use of Matter, will we need to make a major change in our devices? Or can the firmware upgrade of ordinary d
My program uses the HAL driver of STM32G431 to write the FLASH sector, but it always fails.
int save_config_params(CONFIG_PARAMS *params)
{uint32_tPAGEError;uint32_taddr;int i;FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef E
During the simulation, when the IO port is plugged in and out, the level change should enter the interrupt, but it turns to the error below and keeps looping here. What is the reason and how to solve
During the simulation, when the IO port is plugged in and out, the level change should enter the interrupt, but it turns to the error below and keeps looping here. What is the reason and how to solve
RT1052(3) Usage of LPI2C
After learning about the first peripheral, you probably know the configuration routine of the peripheral in RT1052. It is roughly as follows.// start:
// Preparation 1: First
Live Topic: Renesas Electronics Arm MCU's New Energy Attack: RA6T2
Live broadcast time: 21 December 2022 (Wednesday) 14:00-15:30
Live broadcast content:
· Renesas MCU, embracing the Arm ecosystem· Ren