I wrote it in Python on the Raspberry Pi, and using only the DAC4 channel, it was already able to generate sine waves and pulses.
1. Now I want to use SRAM to generate a pulse sine wave with adjustabl
When debugging IEEE 802.11 b/g network communication, is there a tool similar to IEEE 802.3, which is a sniffer for wired network communication, to view the data of communication packets? I am debuggi
When burning the program into the Flash of S3C2410, the following two problems always occur: (1) processor would not enter debug state when requested. Do you want to try asserting system reset with a
Hi everyone, I am using Quartus ii11.0. When using SOPC Build, after selecting a processor, I did not add the "Nios ii More cpu seting" option, so I cannot change the reset address of the program to "
Why have the Internet of Things, smart home, and smart security so quickly attracted the attention of young people and integrated into our lives so quickly? Because the pursuit of intelligent life and