For example, if the module is VHDL, is the testbunch written in Verilog? It is not that two languages are used in one module, but that two languages are used to write different modules.
Hello, colleagues/experts! Our company is facing a quality appraisal problem. We would like to ask you to stand in the position of an outsider and make a fair assessment to determine who is at fault.
Now I added USB keyboard support to WINCE and found that the USB keyboard can be used, but when you plug in the keyboard or not, it will automatically enter 23455 in the input file of WINCE. . What do
As the title says, since touch and backlight are different DLLs, how can I generate an event in the touch screen driver and notify the backlight monitoring thread? For example, when the touch pen is D
With the pressure of the 2020 epidemic and the severe international situation, the replacement of domestic chips has become an inevitable trend. It doesn’t matter whether you replace it early or late.
[color=#000][backcolor=rgb(252, 252, 252)][font=微软雅黑][size=13px]Since it is not allowed to use photosensitive resistor sensors, the brightness of the LED is controlled by the camera and the microcontr