I use L298N integrated board to drive 12V motor. I use 12V power supply to power the microcontroller through 7805 voltage regulator. Now the control terminal GND and output terminal GND of L298N are c
void T2_Init(void){TIM2_TimeBaseInit(TIM2_PRESCALER_256, 0xffff-625+1);TIM2_ITConfig(TIM2_IT_UPDATE, ENABLE);enableInterrupts();TIM2_Cmd(ENABLE);}Using HSI, 16MHz, no frequency division, the above tim
I designed one when I was free, but it can only achieve constant voltage, and I haven't done cross-current yet. The basic principle is that the microcontroller detects the output voltage, and then use
Authors: Peng Huaxin, Professor, Zhejiang University; Qin Faxiang, Researcher, Zhejiang UniversityElectromagnetic functional composite materials can be divided into three categories according to their