• Duration:50 minutes and 30 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
Microcontroller technology, lectured by Professor Chen Bo of Beihang University. Produced by China Central Radio and Television University.
Features of this MCU video tutorial:
real person lectures, humanized, just like sitting in a university classroom.
Because it is a video tutorial, if you don't understand it for a moment during the lecture, you can watch it again by going backwards, just like watching a VCD. If you study halfway today and want to continue school tomorrow, you can easily select your own learning progress by fast forwarding.
There are a lot of learning materials now. This microcontroller video tutorial is a high-quality TV tutorial and has a certain degree of authority. Therefore, it is specially recommended to everyone. Features of this tutorial: Live lectures, you can enjoy the most formal microcontroller system teaching while sitting at home.
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