• Duration:58 minutes and 55 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/29
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: PCB Mentor

    This set of tutorials uses the new version of Mentor Expedition VX2.3 to explain in stages. From the creation of schematic libraries, schematics, PCB libraries to the layout and routing of PCB design, the whole process is explained and communicated with everyone. How to draw each device? How is it placed? How to pull each wire? What are the power cords? What are signal lines? These will be explained in detail one by one, and novices can generally do it themselves after reading it once. The entire process from scratch is explained clearly, so that as a novice, you can really learn something.

[Course Issue 1]: Course introduction and creation of central library

[Course Content]: This live broadcast mainly introduces the general process and steps of electronic design, and gives an overall introduction to the actual project and sort out the design ideas. At the same time, it is introduced to the component library creation stage of this practical project to learn various types of component creation methods and creation techniques.

1) Course introduction

2) Schematic package library production

3) PCB package library production

4) Schematic drawing and inspection (1)

5) QA technical Q&


A [course second period]: PCB design preprocessing part

[course content]: Part 1 This live broadcast explains how to use Mentor software to create components. After the library components are created, how to use these components to draw the required schematic diagram? How to operate it specifically and what needs to be paid attention to?

Let’s learn together during this live broadcast.

1) Schematic drawing and inspection (2)

2) Schematic guide netlist to PCB

3) PCB design default settings and color scheme

4) Structure import and processing

5) QA technical Q&A

[Course Phase 3]: Modular layout Design

[Course Content]: In PCB design, layout is a very important step. The quality of the layout is related to the subsequent wiring work. It is important to lay out your ideas before taking action. First, clarify your ideas, determine which devices belong to which functional modules, layout them according to the functional modules, and then deal with the details. Only in this way can the layout design be completed in an orderly manner, so let's learn this together.

1) Grasp devices according to modules

2) Place structural devices according to structural requirements

3) Whole board layout planning

4) Device layout according to modularization

5) QA technical questions and answers

[Course Issue 4]: Whole board layout optimization and wiring design preliminaries Processing 

[Course Content]: After the modular layout is completed, the whole board device layout design can be started. Before starting the wiring work after layout, some pre-processing work should be started to prepare the wiring design. Set the rule attributes of stackup and PCB design to ensure signal routing requirements. Wiring is a time-consuming part of PCB design. How to plan the wiring space, clarify the wiring ideas, and what wires to connect first and what wires to connect later are all things that need to be mastered. Let’s learn about these contents in this live broadcast.

1) Whole board layout optimization

2) Overlay processing and design rule addition

3) Whole board wiring planning

4) Wiring according to modules

5) QA technical Q

&A [Course Issue 5]: Whole board circuit connectivity and wiring optimization

[Course content] : After the modular wiring is completed, the whole board line connectivity processing can be started. During the processing, the lines are connected according to the wiring planning. After being connected, in order to ensure that the designed product is more beautiful and has less signal interference, the wiring content needs to be repaired and the line optimized.

1) Whole-board wiring connectivity processing

2) Power supply processing

3) Whole-board wiring optimization processing

4) DRC detection and elimination

5) QA technical Q&A

[Course Issue 6]: PCB design post-processing 

[Course content]: For a PCB design, After the layout and routing is completed, 90% of the entire project is considered completed. What work remains for the remaining 10%? After the design is completed, it is usually sent to the board factory for production. Considering the issue of confidentiality, it is not recommended to directly send the PCB source file to the board factory for production. How to output the relevant production files is a knowledge point we need to master.

1) Silk screen adjustment

2) Adding light painting Gerber files

3) Light painting Gerber file output and inspection

4) File archiving and saving

5) QA technical questions and answers

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