Timing analysis is a critical factor in 65 nm and smaller process geometries. You should know how to easily set timing constraints, generate timing reports that improve timing analysis performance, and how to improve FPGA timing performance. In this technical seminar, you will learn how to solve these challenges by understanding the basics of timing analysis and SDC-based timing analysis methods. You'll also learn about other timing analysis resources.
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 03:35 [/i] I just did the 2007 Switching Power Supply Competition. I guess the probability of having questions this year is very small, but the
I want to access a database through OLE DB under EVC, but an error is reported during compilation: error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'IAuthenticate'. What is the reason?
//Initialization function void init() {TRISIO=0x38; //Set all (GP2, 1, 0) I/O ports as output (GP3, 4, 5 as input)OPTION=0x00; //Set all I/O portsCMCON=0x07; //Set 012 as digital I/O portINTCON=0x00;
Click Execute and the following dialog box will appear: Cannot launch the remote executable Error: File not found Win32 error code : 2 Click the button on the dialog box: OK and the following prompt w