• Duration:29 minutes and 31 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/28
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: microwave
     With the in-depth research and application development of wireless communication technology, in the fields of phased array, satellite communications, radar, electronic countermeasures, telemetry and other fields, RF and microwave engineers are facing a growing gap, and the shortage of wireless engineers has become a Important dilemma facing the communications industry.

Microwave engineers are different from hardware engineers. Radio frequency engineers have higher requirements for communication theory, hardware simulation technology, etc. This is also an insurmountable obstacle for many hardware engineers to convert to radio frequency engineers. It is also an important reason for the "scarcity" of radio frequency engineers in the industry. Based on this, mastering the theory and development technology of radio frequency circuits will become an important milestone in the growth of every engineer. At the same time, radio frequency circuits are also an important technology for moving towards high-paying positions and gaining stronger competitiveness.

    [1] Understand the principles and architecture of RF transceivers;

    [2] Understand the design principles of microwave systems such as phased arrays, satellite communications, radars, etc.;

    [3] Understand the application of ADS/HFSS software in the development of RF circuits and RF systems;

    [4] Understand the application and design principles of RF devices such as filters, amplifiers, mixers, and PLLs;

    [5] Master the design process and design technology of board-level RF transceiver systems.

The course mainly talks about the architecture and board-level design technology of zero-IF receivers, superheterodyne receivers, and dual-conversion transmitters, and explains in detail the core of RF devices such as amplifiers, mixers, VCOs, limiters, and filters. Technology and Applications.

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