The most complete and basic single-chip microcomputer experiment C language and assembly language program code. Flowing lights, digital tubes, clocks, LCDs, interrupts, buttons, DC motors, etc. All th
I want to make a simulation circuit of a color display screen. Can I ask an expert how to realize it? Can I use a 51 single-chip microcomputer? Please explain in detail. I am a novice. I would like to
Share a Tiny MSP430 CD information [/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, arial, 宋体][size=5][color=#333333] [/color][/size][/font] [font=tahoma, arial, 宋体][size=5][color=#333333] [/color][/size][/font] [
I recently bought a CC2530 module from the Internet and found that it uses the PL2303 UART to USB chip. This chip can choose the input voltage of 2.4V or 3.3V, but I want to use the RS232 chip now. Th